
Video Tutorials

Elephant In The Room

Tips on maintaining fine details in textured materials while denoising your renders. Scene setup overview.

Through Frosty Glass

Denoising frosted glass. Comparing different denoiser settings. Lights and materials overview.

Kicking SSS

Tips on denoising Subsurface Scattering materials, while maintaining sharp surface details. Scene overview

Random Color

Working with "ColorRandom" procedural in Maxwell Studio. Overview of how settings work and some tips on how to use this procedural.

Substance Painter x Maxwell Studio V5.1

Substance Painter Material Assistant overview in Maxwell Studio V5.

Substance to Maxwell. Part 3

Setting up lights inside Maya and rendering final output with Maxwell Render.

Substance to Maxwell. Part 2

Setting up environment and camera setting for rendering with Maxwell inside Maya

Substance to Maxwell. Part 1

Building Maxwell material from substance painter textures inside Maya

3D Resources

Feel free to grab any of these on my Gumroad Page and use them as you desire. They are all free, and always will be. Great to kickstart your 3D journey!
Download Star Wars lightsabers collection product rendering free 3d model

Lightsabers collection

These lightsabers were created as a part of a research project for bringing Substance textures to Maxwell render ... well, before it was integrated natively. I was curious to see how an unbiased engine can handle simple PBR textures.

The outcome of this little research is a collection of 8 lightsabers. All available as a "Mid" and Low poly versions, perfect for realtime applications.

All lightsabers are UV mapped, and textured (well, except Kylo Ren's, that one is just UV mapped)

Beside 3D geometry, I've recorded a few video tutorials, explaining how to work with substance textures in Maxwell. And lastly, I've made a small collection of seamless materials inspired by some of those hilts.

Go ahead and grab those on
Gumroad logo
Sketchfab logo

Seamless 4k from far far away

Set of 7 Maxwell materials
Plus three mixed materials.
Each material has seamless 4k PBR textures and a few seamless dirt masks

Quick tip:

To add a bit of color variance in mid-tones of chocolate material ๐Ÿ‘† I've used ColorRandom procedural in Maxwell Studio V5 - that makes every Marshmallow's glazing to appear slightly different.
Apply this material to a group of objects to see the effect.

Check out video tutorial on ColoRandom procedural above.

Wood stuff

During my collaboration with furniture design studio "Interior Elements", I've created a set of base wood materials for myself, to speed up look development process.

It's a set 7 wood based materials. Seamless 4k textures.
Simple 2-BSDF structure (base + gloss).
Each UV tile covers 148 cm. in real world scale - which is plenty for a simple furniture models.
Materials are based on PBR textures, and they look .. fine in real-time engines as well. Check out this quick little Sketchfab demo here ๐Ÿ‘‰

Quick tip:

When creating iridescent materials, it is the thickness of coating itself that mostly contributes to the look.

The thinner it is - the more coloured your reflections will be.
A number between 200nm - 400nm would be a good start.


Some experiments, R&Ds, behind the scenes and generally fun stuff.

Captain Morgan - Tech preview

Some tech preview of a final composition. Rendered in Maxwell.

Chang - early RBD sims

Shattering was done with ThinKitenic's Pulldownit. Rigid body dynamics was done with Maya's Bullet solver.

Royal Caribbean - Key Visual assembly

Models were done in Maya, textured and rendered in Substance Painter. More on my Behance

Chang - making-of

Used Maya for modeling, shading and rendering. Compositing done in After Effects
check out more at Behance

Captain Morgan - making-of

Maya for base geo modeling, RealFlow for fluid simulation. Rendered in Maxwell Render. More stuff on my Behance

R&D for Royal Caribbean VR experience.

Some early tests and exploration. Primary focus was to develop reliable link between Maya and UE4 to bring animation, simulation and other assets for further use in interactive VR projects. We were exploring different ways to showcase 360 video content right in VR scene.
WIP procedural sphere assembling from rectangle pieces for 360 VR gameWIP procedural sphere assembling from rectangle pieces for 360 VR gameWIP procedural sphere assembling from rectangle pieces for 360 VR gameWIP procedural sphere transition with rectangular pieces for 360 VR gameWIP procedural sphere assembling from rectangle pieces for 360 VR gameWIP procedural sphere assembling from rectangle pieces for 360 VR gameWIP procedural sphere assembling from rectangle pieces for 360 VR game
WIP procedural sphere transition with rectangle pieces for 360 VR gameWIP procedural sphere assembling from rectangle pieces for 360 VR gameWIP procedural sphere transition with rectangle pieces for 360 VR game

Robotic Arms

We developed a simple IKย rig for robotic arms to bring spherical and hemispherical canvases for displaying 360 and 180 video content in VR.
Assets were created in Maya and textured in Substance Painter. Check out more on my Behance

R&D for Fiji Airways - VR experience

Some early tests and experiments for bringing dynamic and animated elements from Maya to UE4. ย 
We've developed a script to utilise Alembic as our container. It allowed us to export dynamically animated mesh from Maya directly to UE4.

Exploration for TVEL

Some alternative animations and experiments with MASH network in Maya.

Particles R&D for Sephora

Experiments with glitter particles and colored powder inside After Effects